2010. 6. 5. 14:00 게임관련
[크라이시스] 크라이시스, 크라이시스 워헤드 치트키
[크라이시스] 크라이시스, 크라이시스 워헤드 치트키
크라이시스 치트
-devmode 로 실행하시고 콘솔열거나 autoexec.cfg 에 con_restricted = 0 입력후
콘솔창에 i_giveitem C4 << 대소문자 주의해서 입력하세요.
AVMine : Anti Vehicle Mine
AssaultScope : Assault scope
C4 : C4 with detonator
Claymore : Claymore
FlashbangGrenade : Flashbang
GaussRifle : Gauss Rifle
FragGrenade : Grenade
GrenadeLauncher : Grenade launcher for rifles
FY71 : Korean Rifle
LAMRifle : Laser Aiming Module for rifles
Hurricane : Minigun
SOCOM : Pistol
DSG1 : Precision Sniper Rifle
LAW : Rocket Launcher
Shotgun : Shotgun
SmokeGrenade : Smoke grenade
SniperScope : Sniper scope
SCAR : Standard US Rifle
SMG : Submachine Gun
TACGun : Tac Gun
워헤드 치트
워헤드 무기치트 (치트방식은 크라이시스와 같음)
TACGun_XP : Another version of PAX
AVMine : Anti Vehicle Mine
AssaultScope : Assault Scope
AY69 : AY69 Micro Machine Gun
C4 : C4
i_noweaponlimit=1 : Can carry as many weapons as you want.
Claymore : Claymore
EMPGrenade : EMP Grenade
FragGrenade : Explosive Grenade
FGL40 : FGL40 Automatic Grenade Launcher
FlashbangGrenade : Flash Grenade
LAMFlashLight : Flash Light for Pistol
LAMRifleFlashLight : Flash Light for Rifle
GaussRifle : Gauss Rifle
GrenadeLauncher : Grenade Launcher Attachment for SCAR and FY71
FY71IncendiaryAmmo : Incendiary Ammo for FY71
LAM : Lasersight for Pistol
LAMRifle : Lasersight for Rifles
Hurricane : Minigun
LAW : Missile Launcher
TACGun_XP_2 : PAX Plasma Accumulator Cannon
SOCOM : Pistol
Shotgun : Shotgun
SOCOMSilencer : Silencer for Pistol
Silencer : Silencer for Rifle
SmokeGrenade : Smoke Grenade
DSG1 : Sniper Rifle
SniperScope : Sniper Scope
FY71 : Standard Rifle(Korea)
SCAR : Standard Rifle(US)
SMG : Submachine Gun
TACGun : Tac Gun(mini nuke)
i_unlimitedammo=1 : Unlimited Ammo
크라이시스 치트
-devmode 로 실행하시고 콘솔열거나 autoexec.cfg 에 con_restricted = 0 입력후
콘솔창에 i_giveitem C4 << 대소문자 주의해서 입력하세요.
AVMine : Anti Vehicle Mine
AssaultScope : Assault scope
C4 : C4 with detonator
Claymore : Claymore
FlashbangGrenade : Flashbang
GaussRifle : Gauss Rifle
FragGrenade : Grenade
GrenadeLauncher : Grenade launcher for rifles
FY71 : Korean Rifle
LAMRifle : Laser Aiming Module for rifles
Hurricane : Minigun
SOCOM : Pistol
DSG1 : Precision Sniper Rifle
LAW : Rocket Launcher
Shotgun : Shotgun
SmokeGrenade : Smoke grenade
SniperScope : Sniper scope
SCAR : Standard US Rifle
SMG : Submachine Gun
TACGun : Tac Gun
워헤드 치트
워헤드 무기치트 (치트방식은 크라이시스와 같음)
TACGun_XP : Another version of PAX
AVMine : Anti Vehicle Mine
AssaultScope : Assault Scope
AY69 : AY69 Micro Machine Gun
C4 : C4
i_noweaponlimit=1 : Can carry as many weapons as you want.
Claymore : Claymore
EMPGrenade : EMP Grenade
FragGrenade : Explosive Grenade
FGL40 : FGL40 Automatic Grenade Launcher
FlashbangGrenade : Flash Grenade
LAMFlashLight : Flash Light for Pistol
LAMRifleFlashLight : Flash Light for Rifle
GaussRifle : Gauss Rifle
GrenadeLauncher : Grenade Launcher Attachment for SCAR and FY71
FY71IncendiaryAmmo : Incendiary Ammo for FY71
LAM : Lasersight for Pistol
LAMRifle : Lasersight for Rifles
Hurricane : Minigun
LAW : Missile Launcher
TACGun_XP_2 : PAX Plasma Accumulator Cannon
SOCOM : Pistol
Shotgun : Shotgun
SOCOMSilencer : Silencer for Pistol
Silencer : Silencer for Rifle
SmokeGrenade : Smoke Grenade
DSG1 : Sniper Rifle
SniperScope : Sniper Scope
FY71 : Standard Rifle(Korea)
SCAR : Standard Rifle(US)
SMG : Submachine Gun
TACGun : Tac Gun(mini nuke)
i_unlimitedammo=1 : Unlimited Ammo
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